In the Netherlands, the former ING head office in Amsterdam-Zuidoost (nickname: “Sandcastle”) is the highlight in the field of organic architecture. In the 90s it was, according to research, even the most appreciated modern building in the Netherlands, in 2007 it received third place in the election for the most beautiful building in the Netherlands (The Gasunie headquarters in Groningen, also a design by our hand, the 1st place), and was named the first municipal monument in Amsterdam Southeast in 2017. All this as a result of unique commissioning and an excellent cooperation of all designing parties, engineers of the implementing parties and all consultants involved in this cooperation.

In the meantime, again in a unique process, we are busy designing the transformation of the Sandcastle, from an office building to a combination of mainly homes, an international school and catering functions.

More about this project can be read here.